Educación sexual y adolescencia: mitos y perspectivas
Education for the health, sexuality, adolescents, society, famíly, the mass media and prejudicesAbstract
Spain is situated in the second European place ofan unwanted pregnancy and the majority ofthe reasons concem us the limited sex education that our adolescent have received. This piece ofinformation help us to know the importan ce of the sex education and the limited resources in the educational institution, an even taking place in the called transversal subject and especially in the education for the health, but the big problem are the numerous barrier. For instead: the social prejudices that our society contribute day to day which we should destroy. In this article we hare carried out a short analysis about the problem that our adolescents are faced up and they are submitted to a double social pressure. First; they have the problem whiter their parents and we have to offer them a food sexual education which it could, not only depending on the educational institution, but as well of the social network in the community in order to replay can have a food time wilr an impecable sexuality without risks or fears.
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