This papel' intends to be a brief sample of the investigation we are dealing with about the semiodiscoursive complexity of the Latin-American Constitutional preambles. This time, we selected the preambles of Spanish Constitutíons inforce along our History. Alter analysing them. we were able to reach a first preambles' typology (in this sense, the applicative profitability of Peter Stockinger's semiotic model concerning the concept of natíon. must be remarked) in which we later could fit the diflerent processes and actors taking part. Obviously, fitting historie and politic reality to the linguistie-struetural entity of the preamble is a fundamental step in the suggested proposals, among which we could remark the inmmediate relation between the textual arrangement chosen by the legislators of each constituent stage, and the tension or cooperation levels of the different actorial units, besides the simic nuisances derived from the use of certain lexemes which, being present in satellite texts of this kind, have a special symbolic relevance.
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