Comparison of two methods to estimate the population density of Ocypode gaudichaudii
The study compares two methods (i.e., quadrants and distances) for estimation of population density in O. gaudichaudii. On the beach “Los Ranchos”, 13 transects were established and eight in “Las Bocas”; in addition, a visual census was carried out on each beach. In the analyses Los Ranchos was considered as an area and as two subdivisions (Los Ranchos-1, 2). The results showed that, the sampling by quadrants was more precise in Los Ranchos-2 (6% of bias) and Las Bocas (4% of bias) while, the distance sampling was more accurate in Los Ranchos beach (32% of bias) and Los Ranchos-1 (29% of bias). In beaches with high densities (> 0,5 ind./m2) the method by quadrants should be selected and on beaches with low densities (< 0,5 ind./m2) the method by distances is recommended.
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