Reciprocal intercompatibility between Byrsonima Rich. exKunth species (Malpighiaceae), in an urban ecotonal fragment of Semi-Deciduous Seasonal Forest and Cerrado


Keywords: Cross-compatibility, epifluorescence, mating system, oil-collecting bees, pollen tube growth, self-compatibility

Supporting Agencies

  • Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


Byrsonima species present floral monomorphism and sharing visitor/pollinator guild. These traits suggest the hypothesis evaluation of reciprocal inter-incompatibility between two syntopic Byrsonima species:  B. pachyphylla and B. crassifolia. Pollen tube growth with similar behavior was observed in the stigmatic surface, pistil canal, ovary and micropylar channel to both species. In addition, partial self-incompatibility in self-pollination with greater fruiting in autogamy was observed. Cross-pollination and self-pollination coexist, and reciprocal intercompatibility occurs. Prezygotic isolation mechanisms are unlikely by the absence of abnormal pollen tubes, higher fruiting production and absence of hybrids in the study site.


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Author Biography

Frederic Mendes Hughes, Instituto Nacional da Mata Atlântica - INMA, Av. José Ruschi, nº 4, Santa Teresa - ES – Brazil, Zip code: 29.650-000

PhD in Ecology, Conservation and Wildlife Management by the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). He holds a Master's Degree in Plant Genetic Resources, Specialization in Modeling in Earth and Environmental Sciences, and a Degree in Biological Sciences from the State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS). He has experience in the field of Plant Ecology, with an emphasis on Spatial Ecology, Population Dynamics and Predictive Species Modeling. He guides master's and doctoral students in research related to the distribution and characterization of diversity in Atlantic Forest islands, space-time patterns in the Caatinga-Cerrado-Atlantic Forest domains, and Reproductive Ecology of plant species. Currently participates in the international project "The BIODESERT survey: assessing the impacts of grazing and climate change in global dryland", coordinated by Fernando T. Maestre. He held a post-doctorate at the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Feira de Santana. He is a collaborating professor in the graduate program in Botany (PPGBot / UEFS). He has a scholarship from the National Institute of the Atlantic Forest-INMA (MCTIC).


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How to Cite
Hughes, F. M. (2021). Reciprocal intercompatibility between Byrsonima Rich. exKunth species (Malpighiaceae), in an urban ecotonal fragment of Semi-Deciduous Seasonal Forest and Cerrado. Anales de Biología, (43), 211–221.