Behavioral and electrophysiological response of Rhynchophorus palmarum (L. 1764) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to volatile compounds of natives entomopatogenic fungi


  • Thyago Fernando Lisboa-Ribeiro Universidad Federal de Alagoas UFAL/BR
  • Joao Manoel Silva Universidad Federal de Alagoas UFAL/BR
  • ESPANOL Universidad Federal de Alagoas UFAL/BR
  • ESPANOL Universidad Federal de Alagoas UFAL/BR
  • ESPANOL Universidad Federal de Alagoas UFAL/BR
  • ESPANOL Universidad Federal de Alagoas UFAL/BR
  • portugués Universidad Federal de Alagoas UFAL/BR
Keywords: Arecaceae, olfactometry, aeration, electroantennography

Supporting Agencies

  • INCT


Rhynchophorus palmarum is a major pest of palms (Arecaceae) in Brasil. Both the behavioral (olfactometry) and electrophysiological (electroantennography, both alone and coupled to chromatography) of R. palmarum was studied against volatile organic compounds emitted by native entomopathogenic fungi isolated from Coruripe (Alagoas, Brazil). Two fungal isolates were identified by aeration system for 24 hours: CVAD01 and CVAD02. CVAD01 did not cause a significant behavioral response; however, male insects were significantly attracted to CVAD02 extracts. Electrophysiological bioassays showed antennal activity in both sexes to volatile components present in the two identified native fungi. The chromatographic analysis of the extracts indicated profiles of volatile organic compounds with the presence of three alcohol, three aromatics, three ketones, and four hydrocarbons.


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Author Biographies


Bióloga. Doctoranda en Biotecnologia RENORBIO/UFAL/AL/BR

Thyago Fernando Lisboa-Ribeiro, Universidad Federal de Alagoas UFAL/BR

Quimico. MSc en Quimica. PhD en Quimica UFAL/AL/BR


Investigador PhD en Entomologia y Control Microbiano

Joao Manoel Silva, Universidad Federal de Alagoas UFAL/BR

Agronómo. Doctorando en Biotecnologia UFAL/AL/BR

ESPANOL, Universidad Federal de Alagoas UFAL/BR

Agronómo. Doctorando en Protección de Plantas CECA/UFAL/AL/BR

ESPANOL, Universidad Federal de Alagoas UFAL/BR

Química. MSc en Quimica. Dra en Quimica IQB/UFAL/AL/BR

ESPANOL, Universidad Federal de Alagoas UFAL/BR

PhD en Biotecnologia UFAL/AL/BR

ESPANOL, Universidad Federal de Alagoas UFAL/BR

PhD en Biotecnologia Renorbio UFAL/AL/BR

portugués, Universidad Federal de Alagoas UFAL/BR

Dr. en QuÍmica. Profesor Titular del Campus Engenaria y Ciencias Agrarias CECA/UFAL/AL/BR.


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How to Cite
ESPANOL, E., Lisboa-Ribeiro, T. F. ., ESPANOL, E., Silva, J. M., ESPANOL, E., ESPANOL, E., … ESPANOL, E. (2021). Behavioral and electrophysiological response of Rhynchophorus palmarum (L. 1764) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to volatile compounds of natives entomopatogenic fungi. Anales de Biología, (43), 65–77.