Webs of females and juveniles were analyzed monthly during one annual cycle in a population of Metepeira gressa (Keyserling 1892) in Punta Espinillo (Montevideo, Uruguay) in field conditions, with temperature and humidity registered. Five stages of development were found. Size, distribution and population changes during a year were analyzed. The egg-sacs was also registered. Territorial tolerance in the distance among webs was observed. The annual individual distribution showed the family pattern, being stenochronus species according Schaefer (1987). The buildings of spiders in the same stage did not show seasonal changes on the year. The webs of femalesversus juveniles showed statistical differences in their sizes. Webs of females showed constant asymmetry, a presence of retreat and a bigger angle of inclination to vertical line, respect the juvenile webs. Also the female webs was put in the vegetation higher than the webs of juveniles in a vertical stratum. A strong association between the webs and the plants of Eryngium sp. and the occupation for until three spider sharing the same plant was observed.Downloads
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