Contradictions on scaling. Participatory processes and planning for agroecological transition at a metropolitan scale


  • Daniel López-García Fundación Entretantos
  • Ariadna Pomar-León Asociación ‘Arrán de Terra, Eines per a la Dinamització Local Agroecológica’, Barcelona
  • Verónica García-García Fundación Entretantos
  • Guillem Tendero-Acín Asociación ‘Arrán de Terra, Eines per a la Dinamització Local Agroecológica’, Barcelona
  • Yolanda Sampedro Fundación Entretantos
  • Annaïs Sastre-Morató Asociación ‘Arrán de Terra, Eines per a la Dinamització Local Agroecológica’, Barcelona
Keywords: Agroecological transition, Local Agroecological Dynamization, Localized food systems, participatory action-research, action plans


The promotion of agroecological transitions from pubic administrations shows conventionalization and cooptation risks. Several scientific papers propose those risks to be overcome throughout an effective display of participatory processes, able to set up the local farmers and food movements protagonism on their definition and implementation. Nevertheless, there is an important lack of empirical papers which discuss the application of Participatory Action-Reser-arch to agroecological transition processes, especially at territorial scales higher than the field or the local communities. With the present paper we analyze to case studies of participatory coproduction of territorialized planning for agroecological transitions, on metropolitan areas of Spain. The compared analysis drives to a proposal of significant variables to the adaptation of the methodological approach of Local Agroecological Dynamization to different contexts. Moreover, it stresses some contradictions inherents to top-down approaches of participatory processes, and some suggestions in order to overcome them.


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How to Cite
López-García, D., Pomar-León, A., García-García, V., Tendero-Acín, G., Sampedro, Y., & Sastre-Morató, A. (2019). Contradictions on scaling. Participatory processes and planning for agroecological transition at a metropolitan scale. Agroecology, 13(1), 33–45. Retrieved from