La agroecología como investigación militante y feminista


  • Mamen Cuéllar Padilla Universidad de Córdoba
  • Eduardo Sevilla Guzmán Universidad de Córdoba
Keywords: Decolonial studies, feminist epistemology, subalterns’ struggles, commons sustainable managent


This paper analyzes Agroecology as an activist scientific approach, from its origins. We review those authors, that inspired the agroecological proposal, who questioned the neutrality of science and the hierarchy of knowledges from different epistemological angles. Authors that proposed ways to build, both in form and in practice, knowledges dialogues and ruptures of power hierarchies that were given between individuals and modes of knowledge. We highlight decolonial studies and feminist studies as the key origins of Agroecology which, in its origins, clearly emerged as a rupturist action research proposal, regarding the normal science, and as an activist scientific approach related to the rural and agrifood subalterns’ struggles.


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How to Cite
Cuéllar Padilla, M., & Sevilla Guzmán, E. (2019). La agroecología como investigación militante y feminista. Agroecology, 13(1), 11–20. Retrieved from