Brief history of the Agroecology in Argentina: Origins, evolution and future prospects


  • Sarandón Santiago Javier
  • Mariana E. Marasas
Keywords: Paradigm, farmer organizations, sustainable agriculture, education, research, extension


Agroecology emerges as a new approach and paradigm of agricultural science that aims to provide strategies and criteria for the design, evaluation and management of sustainable agroecosystems. It appears in different institutions and organizations, as a reaction to the increasingly obvious consequences of environmentally unsustainable and socially exclusive production model derived from the philosophy of the Green Revolution. Because of its multidisciplinary and pluriepistemological character as scientific approach, as a movement and as a series of strategies and techniques, the incorporation and consolidation of agroecology in Argentina, recognizes different goals, actors and stages. Among the institutions may be mentioned non-governmental organizations, state institutions and universities and other agricultural education institutions as well as farmers organizations. These stages are analyzed and the potentials and limitations for future expansion are discussed.


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How to Cite
Santiago Javier, S., & Marasas, M. E. (2017). Brief history of the Agroecology in Argentina: Origins, evolution and future prospects. Agroecology, 10(2), 93–102. Retrieved from