The agroecology in Venezuela: tensions between oil-economy dependancy and agroalimentary sovereignty


  • Olga Domené-Painenao
  • José Miguel Cruces
  • Francisco F. Herrera
Keywords: Academy, formation, public policies, social movements, State


The evolution of the agroecological wisdom is established in three periods, with special emphasis on the emergence and institutionalization of agroecology as a transdisciplinary framework. Agroecology, understood from the perspective of environmentally healthy food production system and adapted to natural cycles, is present, since the country has had important contributions from indigenous cultures, and African and European influences during the colonial period. The appearance of oil in early 20Th century, followed by the northamerican promoted agro-industrial model insertion, determined drastic changes towards a dependency on imported food policies and capital-intensive agriculture. Massive peasant migration conforming misery city belts worsen food production situation. However, towards the end of the century, urban environmentalist movements and academic sectors in synergy with conscious rural groups promoted the sustainable agriculture approach.The 1999 Constitution propitiated new institutions conceived to elaborate agricultural policies dispose to incorporate the agroecological wisdom. Currently, agroecology has powerful academic and institutional structures and is widely accepted by urban and rural social movements. Nevertheless, tensions with the oil dependency phantom and mechanistic-based scientific progress notions are notorious in the public policies of the national agroalimentary model, representing a real challenge for those groups fighting for sustainable agricultural option.


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How to Cite
Domené-Painenao O., Cruces, J. M., & Herrera, F. F. (2017). The agroecology in Venezuela: tensions between oil-economy dependancy and agroalimentary sovereignty. Agroecology, 10(2), 55–62. Retrieved from