Agroecology in Panama: its contribution to the sustainability of lifestyles and to the persistence of the familiar agriculture


  • Julio Santamaría Guerra
  • Gladys González Dufau
Keywords: Agroecological transition, Alternative Agriculture, food sovereignty


In Panama, family-based agroecological agriculture has historical antecedents registered from three sources:The life stories of the precursors of the different agro-cultures practiced as an alternative for conventional productivist agriculture. The experiences of design and implementation of productive systems with practices that privilege the production of foodstuffs that are safe for human consumption, the environment and reduce the dependence on external inputs. And in the social activism of people and organizations aiming to stop neoliberal politics that undermine the sustainability of the rural ways of life that depend on agriculture. The results of an investigation of documents and information obtained from key informants are presented in order to reconstruct the recent past and the current agroecological situation in Panama. Agroecological reconversion experiences portray the contribution of the incorporation of agroecological practices in the availability of food, the increase of income and general persistence of small scale family agriculture in areas of rural poverty and indígenous areas.


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How to Cite
Santamaría Guerra J., & González Dufau G. (2017). Agroecology in Panama: its contribution to the sustainability of lifestyles and to the persistence of the familiar agriculture. Agroecology, 10(2), 29–38. Retrieved from