Agroecological milk production in the tropical mountains: synergy between ecological restoration and silvopastoral systems


  • Jhon J. Lopera
  • Sara M. Márquez
  • Daniel E. Ochoa
  • Zoraida Calle
  • Claudia P. Sossa
  • Enrique Murgueitio
Keywords: Transtition, agroecology, small dairy farms, silvopastoral systems, Colombia


Climate change and the inequality of the global trade of dairy products have seriously affected small milk producers who have adopted an artificial model based on industrial inputs and the extreme genetic specialization of livestock. Although the application of agroecological principles and the growing demand for natural foods indicate an escape route for these producers, agroecological milk production is not easy because the transition requires making difficult decisions that can affect short term productivity. This article summarizes the agroecological transition of a small dairy farm in the central Andes of Colombia.The starting point was the conventional model typical of many mountain dairies in Latin America, based on grass monocultures fertilized with urea and the supplementation of cows with feedstuffs made from imported cereals and soy cake. By adopting increasingly complex silvopastoral systems and phasing out farm chemical inputs this farm managed to reduce the production costs and increase the quality and price of its milk while improving food security and energy efficiency. Adding value to the organic milk is the final challenge that will improve the profitability of the farming system.


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How to Cite
Lopera, J. J., Márquez, S. M., Ochoa, D. E., Calle, Z., Sossa, C. P., & Murgueitio, E. (2017). Agroecological milk production in the tropical mountains: synergy between ecological restoration and silvopastoral systems. Agroecology, 10(1), 79–85. Retrieved from