Agroecological transition: characteristics, criteria and strategies. Two sample cases of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina


  • Mariana Marasas
  • María Luz Blandi
  • Nadia Dubrovsky Berensztein
  • Valentina Fernández
Keywords: Agroecology, biological and cultural diversity, agroecosystems, family farming


Agroecological transition is a complex process in which different scales (farm, local community, territory) are articulated and that is affected by social, economic, technological, cultural, political and ecological factors. To analyze a transition process initially requires understanding how agro-ecosystems function (structure and processes occurring in it) and the different modes of intervention of human beings, who make management decisions to transform an agricultural ecosystem. It is therefore necessary to consider, simultaneously, at least 3 key criteria of the complex reality that the transition process faces: 1. The internal structural characteristics of the agroecosystem undertaking the process; 2. The singularities of the farmer or farmer family who makes decisions and manages the operation of the system; 3. External factors that influence the transition process. By using two concrete examples the transition process was analyzed in relation to the criteria considered, the initial situation, the changes through time and the implemented strategies.


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How to Cite
Marasas, M., Blandi, M. L., Dubrovsky Berensztein, N., & Fernández, V. (2017). Agroecological transition: characteristics, criteria and strategies. Two sample cases of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Agroecology, 10(1), 49–60. Retrieved from