Agroecology and resilience to climate change: principles and methodological considerations


  • Miguel A. Altieri
  • Clara Inés Nicholls
Keywords: agroecology, traditional agriculture, socio-ecological resiliency


Most of the current statistics on the impact of climate change on peasant agricultura are broad approximations that do not take into account the heterogeneity of peasant agriculture, nor the range of strategies that peasant have used and still use to confront droughts, hurricanes, flooding, etc. Around the world there are thousands of small farmers that have responded to changing climatic conditions in innovative forms that provide resilience. These farmers possess key lessons of resilience for modern farmers and thus many experts have suggested the rescuing of traditional agroecological management systems as the only viable path to enghance the resilience of modern agroecosystems.This work provides a conceptual and methodological framework to elucidate the principles and mechanisms that underlie the resilience of diversified farming systems, so that these may be transfered to other farmesr to improve the resistance and recovery of their farms affected by climate change. It is urgent to develop a methodology that allows assessment of the capacity of agroecosystems to whistand and recover from extreme climatic events with special emphasis on understanding the processes that explain the observed socio-ecological resilience.


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How to Cite
Altieri, M. A., & Nicholls, C. I. (2013). Agroecology and resilience to climate change: principles and methodological considerations. Agroecology, 8(1), 7–20. Retrieved from