An ethnoagronomic approach to agrodiversity and to the genetic erosion of traditional agrisystems


  • Antonio C. Perdomo Molina
Keywords: indigenous knowledge, cultivated biodiversity, local varieties, oral tradition, Agroecology


Etnoagronomy is becoming a new discipline that studies the traditional agrosystems, serving the needs that agroecology has to interpret the keys of traditional agriculture to be applied to modern agriculture. The recent development of the discipline requires that as we try to retrieve all the possible information we will develop the tools for its implementation.

Likewise the attempts to measure the level of genetic erosion of the traditional agrosystems has exposed the difficulty of combining ecological parameters with socioeconomic parameters that are pertinent when dealing with agrodiversity. In this regard the development of certain indicators such as the Frequency of Appearance in a Plantation, the Importance for Species and the Use of Vernacular Names, contribute quantitative data that facilitates comparison and measurement of certain phenomena, such as the genetic erosion, when we carry out a diachronic analysis.


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How to Cite
Perdomo Molina, A. C. (2012). An ethnoagronomic approach to agrodiversity and to the genetic erosion of traditional agrisystems. Agroecology, 7(2), 41–46. Retrieved from