Current state and recovery potential of cultivated biodiversity in Doñana


  • Ramón Rodríguez Franco
  • Cristina Ibancos Núñez
  • Rufino Acosta Naranjo
Keywords: Doñana, cultivated biodiversity, local knowledge


This article seeks to explain the results of recent studies conducted in the areas surrounding Doñana Park, researching biodiversity, conservation and recovery of local knowledge. Using primary data generated by our research group it offers an approach to the current state of plant genetic resources for food in five municipalities of Doñana.

Current available data brings us to conclude that local biodiversity for food has the potential to become a sustainable and versatile endogenous resource available to local populations, either being orientated towards commercial production (taking advantage of new market niches –ecological, singular or natural-), for self-sufficiency (prioritising healthy and quality nutrition), tourism (protected by the different categories of the protected area) or sociocultural purposes (enriching territorial ethnological heritage).


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Franco, R., Ibancos Núñez, C., & Acosta Naranjo, R. (2012). Current state and recovery potential of cultivated biodiversity in Doñana. Agroecology, 7(2), 31–39. Retrieved from