Agroecological and Participatory Plant breeding (APb) and Agricultural biodiversity. The use of participatory action-research in the management of traditional crop varieties in Andalusia


  • Juan José Soriano
  • María Carrascosa
  • Juanma González
  • Teresa García
  • Ignacio Sanz
Keywords: plan genetic resources, agroecology, traditional knowledge, plant breeding


In recent years activities on traditional knowledge about agricultural biodiversity have been carried on in Andalusia. This activity is based on the joint work of farmers, consumers, scientists, and other people interested in the use, conservation, production and exchange of local crop varieties. Participatory Action Research techniques and the new knowledge developed in Agroecology can enhance stakeholder participation in research activities. This local experience can be useful to learn about agricultural biodiversity management through Participatory and Agroecológical Breeding (P&AB).


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How to Cite
Soriano, J. J., Carrascosa, M., González, J., García, T., & Sanz, I. (2012). Agroecological and Participatory Plant breeding (APb) and Agricultural biodiversity. The use of participatory action-research in the management of traditional crop varieties in Andalusia. Agroecology, 7(2), 21–30. Retrieved from