Ecologically based food production systems for thew XXI Century


  • Clara Inés Nicholls
  • Miguel Ángel Altieri
Keywords: agroecology, peasant agriculture, organic agriculture


Agroecology provides the scientific and methodological basis for transition strategies toward new paradigms of rural development. The cultural, social and productive basis for this new paradigm resides on the ethonecological rationale of pea snat agriculture, a source of an important legacy of indigenous knowledge, agrobiodiversity and food sovereignity strategies. Organic agriculture comprises another alternative model that produces food with less environmental impact and energy use, but this agriculture needs to transition beyond input subsitution and should emphasize local and national markets in order to realize its food security potential, freeing itself from its dependence on international markets that make it susceptible to the control by multinationals that dominate the globalization circles. The agroecological scaling-up examples from Cuba and the Philippines that emphasize farmer led participation and extension, demonstrate that the human resource and its innovation capacity are the keystone of all development strategies of rural people and especially for resource-por farmers.


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How to Cite
Nicholls, C. I., & Altieri, M. Ángel. (2011). Ecologically based food production systems for thew XXI Century. Agroecology, 6, 28–37. Retrieved from