Some notes on agroecology and politics


  • Manuel González de Molina
Keywords: Agroecology, Public Policy, Social Mouvements, Agrarian Sustainability


The reflections on politics made by the agroecologists are scarce. However, the agroecological movements are speading and many agroecological experiences are carrying out in different state levels. Both are asking for a major development of the political aspects of Agroecology. Agroecology has not still been endowed of analysis instruments and approaches to elaborate state and regional strategies, where the political and institutional aspects play a key rol. This text try to contribute to overcome these lacks by means of the theoretical foundation of the why Agroecology should be in charge of the politics. Firstly we argue that as socio-eological construction, the agro-ecosystems also are made by power relations. Secondly, we show the narrow relationships that the dynamics of the agroecosystems has with the politics and therefore the outstanding paper that Political Agroecology play in the agroecological transition. Finally we try to make a diagnosis of the world food system as context in which the agroecological experiences should be developed.


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How to Cite
González de Molina, M. (2011). Some notes on agroecology and politics. Agroecology, 6, 9–21. Retrieved from