Agroecology, fertility and mediterreanity


  • Juana Labrador
  • Alexis Sicilia
  • Axel Torrejón
Keywords: agroecology, mediterranity, regional patterns, fertility, traditional agriculture, organic farming


The following communication is a reflection that expects to encourage an open discussion about the importance of nature and the possibilities of the territory for the sustainable management of the soil fertility with agro-ecological bases at the Spanish Mediterranean environment.

The agroecology get us closer to the scientific basis of the agriculture of the future, basing part of their success in the knowledge of the “past” uses of the soil. In this context, it is evident how in the traditional agricultural systems the replacement of the fertility came from complexes ways of land and resourses management.

The forest management focused on increasing the fertility of the cultivated areas provides biomass, nutrients to the soil, diversity of ways of management and uses of Agrosilvo-pastoral mosaic pastures, crops and trees, the use of flood water as a key of fertilization, the importance of the extensive livestock used as a vehicle for the nutrients transfer... are living examples of the uses that shaped the traditional agriculture.

Focusing on the Spanish context, we consider that the “Mediterreanity” makes us to return to the territorial land management models and at the same time, requires us to demand specific policies for this “differential” as well as technical specifications and support of the European Agricultural Policy.

Converting the limiting factors in differential quality signs, cultural identity and agro-ecological stability, should be a strategic axis for the future organic mediterranean agriculture design.


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How to Cite
Labrador, J., Sicilia, A., & Torrejón, A. (2009). Agroecology, fertility and mediterreanity. Agroecology, 4, 97–110. Retrieved from