Food sovereignty: Cultivating new alliances among fields, forests and cities


  • Bruce G. Ferguson
  • Helda Morales
  • Aldo González Rojas
  • Felipe de Jesús Íñiguez Pérez
  • María Elena Martínez Torres
  • Kathleen McAfee
  • Ron Nigh
  • Ivette Perfecto
  • Stacy M. Philpott
  • Lorena Soto Pinto
  • John Vandermeer
  • Rosa María Vidal
  • León Enrique Ávila Romero
  • Hector Bernardino
  • Rosario Realpozo Reyes
Keywords: agroecological education, agrofuels, biodiversity, cooperative networks, energy sovereignty, environmental services, solidarity-based markets


In June, 2008, we convoked a forum and workshop in Chiapas, Mexico to strengthen alliances among farmers’ organizations, conservationists and academics. Speakers outlined the evolution of the relations among production systems, forests and biodiversity from the prehispanic era through the current crisis in the neoliberal economic model and industrial agriculture. They also framed a new conservation paradigm that prioritizes the role of farmers. We formed working groups that elaborated proposals for collaboration among the participating sectors. Cooperative networks emerged as appropriate structures for coordinating action and facilitating the exchange of information and support at various geographic scales. Solidarity-based markets are a venue where diverse interests converge, favoring the formation of such networks. We also identified some specific issues for collaboration, including: agrofuels and energy sovereignty, environmental services and rural education. Biodiversity and food sovereignty are the two axes of this agenda for cooperation that forms part of an international struggle to reconstruct our food systems.


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How to Cite
Ferguson, B. G., Morales, H., González Rojas, A., Íñiguez Pérez, F. de J., Martínez Torres, M. E., McAfee, K., … Realpozo Reyes, R. (2009). Food sovereignty: Cultivating new alliances among fields, forests and cities. Agroecology, 4, 49–58. Retrieved from