Polycultures of the mind


  • Alejandro Rojas W
Keywords: polycultures of the mind, agroecological education, sustainable agriculture


This essay presents a reflection about possible lessons for sustainability education that can be obtained from the “polycultures of mind” which shape the peasant mentality, profoundly different from the “monocultures of the mind” encouraged by industrial agricultural sciences. The emphasis of the paper is placed on the type of cognitive experiences that allow peasants to acquire experientially an ecological sensitivity that guides their practices of sustainable agriculture. The essay also addresses the complex relationship between science and traditional peasant knowledge, an experiential knowledge rooted in place. The systematic observation of the latter contributed decisively to the formation of agroecology, a scientific stream that addresses the key issues raised by the crisis of unsustainability of modern industrial agriculture and the global food system associated with it.


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How to Cite
Rojas W, A. (2009). Polycultures of the mind. Agroecology, 4, 29–38. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/agroecologia/article/view/117161