Lectin-staining pattern in extratesticular rete testis and ductuli efferentes of prepubertal and adult horses
horse, ductuli efferentes, rete testis, glycoconjugates, lectinsAbstract
This study was undertaken to determine the lectin affinity of the extratesticular rete testis and ductuli efferentes epithelial cells in adult and prepubertal horses. using ten different lectin horseradish peroxidase conjugates: Con-A, LCA, WGA, GSA-11, SBA, PNA, RCA-1, DBA, UEA-1, and LTA. In some cases, treatments with sialidase and KOH preceded the lectin staining. In sexually mature and immature horses the results showed the presence of different kinds of sialoglycoconjugates with the terminal sialic acid linked to D-GalNAc and β-D-Gal residues in the rete testis. In the apical surface and cytoplasm of epithelial cells lining the ductuli efferer~teso f the adult horse, glycoconjugates with α-D-Man and/or α-D-Glc, GlcNAc, D-GalNAc and β-D-Gal residues were evidenced, whereas in the prepubertal horse only the apical surface of the ductuli efferentes epithelial cells resulted reactive toward some lectins. The differences observed in the presence of glycoconjugates between adult and prepubertal horse ductuli efferentes, suggest a hormonal control of the function of these tracts of the post-testicular ducts.Downloads
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