A quantitative investigation of microvascular changes in the thyroid gland after infrared (IR) laser radiation


  • C. Parrado
  • F. Carrillo de Albornoz
  • L. Vidal
  • I. Pérez de Vargas


thyroid capillaries, light microscopy, electron microscopy, morphometry, stereology


We present an ultrastructural study of thyroid capillaries in which 50-day-old rats Wistar rats, were irradiated with an infrared (IR) laser, (total dose, 46.80 ~ / c m ~th)e, tissue quantified 1 day after ending treatment and a quantitative capillary analysis carried out by light and electron microscopy. Light microscopy was used to calculate capillary volume density revealing a significant increase in the irradiated rats. The quantitative measurement of parameters by electron microscopy required a two stage analysis: Level I, Electron Microscopy (Magnification ~5,000);a nd Level 11, Electron Microscopy (Magnification ~26,000)A. t Level I, the following parameters were measured in each capillary: capillary area, capillary diameter, luminal area, luminal diameter, endothelial area, nuclear area and mean endothelial thickness. At Level 11, pinocytotic vesicle diameter and their numerical density in endothelial cells were evaluated. Electron microscopic analysis revealed an increased luminal area in the capillaries of the irradiated rats. They also presented a decrease in endothelial cell thickness and vesicular diameter and an increase in vesicle numerical density. This latter increase is indicative of presumptive changes in capillary permeability, but the possible functional significance of these morphological changes in the endothelial cells requires further investigation.



