lntermediate filament protein expression and sugar moieties in normal canine placenta
bitch, placenta, lectins, immunohistochemistry, glycoconjugatesAbstract
In the female dog, the placenta is considered zonal, endotheliochorial and labyrinthic. The distribution of the intermediate filaments as well as the surface glycoproteins in the canine placenta are still unknown. The aim of the present study was to provide this information for further understanding of pathological conditions in the bitch. Samples were obtained from normal uterine horns at the end of gestation. Tissues were routinely fixed and stained. Monoclonal antibodies against cytokeratins, vimentin and desmin were used for immunohistochemical staining. UEA-1, PNA, RCA-1, SBA, DBA, WGA and ConA were used for the lectin histochemical staining. A computer morphometrical analysis was made. Statistical analysis was then accomplished. The results showed the maximun immunohistochemical percentage for vimentin in the supraglandular connective tissue, for pancytokeratin in the spongy zone and for desmin in miometrium. SBA showed the highest staining percentage in the gland cells of the spongy zone, while ConA was the highest in the syncytiotrophoblastic cells and gland cells of the deep glandular zone. The results obtained indicate that the lectin binding pattern is partially different from other animal species. On the contrary, the intermediate filament data coincide with similar observations from other mammals.Downloads
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