The distribution of cholinergic neurons in the human central nervous system


  • Yoshio Oda
  • I. Nakanishi


choline acetyltransferase, central nervous system, human, immunohistochemistry, In situ hybridization


Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), the enzyme responsible for the biosynthesis of acetylcholine, is presently the most specific marker for identifying cholinergic neurons in the central and peripheral nervous systems. The present article reviews immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization studies on the distribution of neurons expressing ChAT in the human central nervous system. Neurons with both immunoreactivity and in situ hybridization signals of ChAT are observed in the basal forebrain (diagonal band of Broca and nucleus basalis of Meynert), striatum (caudate nucleus, putamen and nuclius accumbens), cerebral cortex, mesopontine tegmental nuclei (pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus, laterodorsal tegmental nucleus and parabigeminal nucleus), cranial motor nuclei and spinal motor neurons. The cerebral cortex displays regional and lamina1 differences in the distribution of neurons with ChAT. The medial seotal nucleus and medial habenular nucleus contain immunoreactive neurons for ChAT, which are devoid of ChAT mRNA signals. This is probably because there is a small number of cholinergic neurons with a low level of ChAT gene expression in these nuclei of human. Possible connections and speculated functions of these neurons are briefly summarized.




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